Lifehack: How To Stay Organized
Staying organized is complicated and there are many different ways to do so. Everybody has a particular approach. There are also methods depending on what people need to stay organized for such as high school, your job, or a sport.
Sophomore Grant Peterson decided he doesn’t need to use a calendar or anything electronically to keep everything in line for school. He doesn’t color code nor does he keep a planner. Although he hole punches everything so he can keep it all in one big binder. According to the American School Counselor Association, adolescent lives are dominated with clutter and overabundance. Add extracurricular activities, family, and friends, the organization of students will fall back on their grades.
“I don’t need to organize everything materialistically,” Grant Peterson said. “I can organize it in my head.”
The Passage for Order Organization concludes that your four-drawer file cabinet, when full, holds 18,000 pages. Case Manager Wanda Peterson keeps track of her 40 clients by filing certain things that she doesn’t need on a daily basis.
Some ways she maintains her organization is by using a spreadsheet or by frequently emailing herself things that she needs to be reminded of. An important thing to remember is to never overschedule or forget to mark things off. She doesn’t like using paper and prefers the electronic method instead. Her iPad, Computer, and two iPhones are really what keep everything in order.
“Learning to prioritize based on what needs to be done is very important,” Wanda Peterson said.
Another way people like to differentiate things is color-coding. The Brunswick Filing System Incorporated says using color coding speeds up refiling by as much as 50%. Freshman Sumaya Hussaini thinks that color-coding makes high school easier, and helps keep the subjects separated.
“You can grab it fast and easy for each class,” Hussaini said.
College is an important time of your life. It gives you a sense of who you will be, and what you are going to do. Getting good grades, and staying grounded is crucial. College Freshman, Morgan Peterson is in class an average of 14 hours a week.
It’s hard to manage one thing after another, but something that helps her is keeping to-do lists. She uses these on a regular basis to make sure everything she needs to do gets completed. Also, by keeping a calendar, it’s easy to reassure that she will get to each destination on time. For each class Morgan takes, she uses a folder and a spiral. Only for certain classes does she use a binder. She doesn’t differentiate her folders or binders in any way besides labeling.
“I don’t color code because it’s too much work,” Morgan Peterson said. People these days all have different methods to accomplish certain things.
“Organization is the key to success,” Freshman, Sumaya Hussaini says.