Is Caffeine Bad for Teens?
In nowadays coffee is easy to get. So easy teens can get it through a drive-thru. Coffee comes in all different flavors and ways but what are the possible affects on young adults in the future? Hinder brains? Make sleep come with a great difficulty? The start of an eating disorder?
Most have figured out that caffeine can be used to replace appetites. These teenage years are crucial for physical development and consuming excessive amounts of caffeine could deny the body valuable nutrients that could be consumed in other drinks like juice or milk.When replacing foods with coffee or other caffeine products youths could be missing out on nutrient dense foods. The Mayo Clinic said that adults can safely ingest 200- 300 mg of caffeine a day but raising these numbers to 500-600 mg a day can cause several side effects like: agitation, shakiness, dizziness, sleep disturbances, anxiety, rapid heart rate, upset stomach, headaches, and or dehydration.
In a recent lab study, PLOS ONE, lab rats were watched to see how their consumption of certain amounts of coffee affected their behaviors and changes in life. Researchers gave them rat-sized amounts of caffeine. In increments of 3 or 4 cups of coffee given to the rats on a daily basis the scientists noticed that they started to experience a reduction in deep sleep and more importantly a delay in brain development.
Sleep is important in life and almost as important in life as food or water. According to the National Sleep Foundation teenagers need an average of 8.5 and 9.25 hours per night. Having a little caffeine every now and then won’t hurt too much but consuming it like you should water it may increase your health problems.