Why did you transfer to Southwest?
At this point I’m still wondering why I transferred to Southwest. The story goes that I felt like the Lord was calling me to come, and so I prayed about it. I finally decided to come for sure when and old man came up to me and gave me a heart-shaped rock that said “trust” on it and told me that God wanted me to trust him now. So here I am.
What is your favorite thing about Southwest?
I like how small it is. I have to pull my own weight now, it seems like. Before I could hide a lot more easily and get absolutely nothing done.
What is the hardest part of being here, instead of your old school?
I miss North so much. I still feel like I go there. Being here is a huge change for me, even in my personality. I laugh now when people say to me “I wish I was as outgoing as you”, because that isn’t at all how I am at Southwest.
What activities are you involved in?
FCA, Band, Honk (Pit Orchestra), NAHS, CAPS
How you could you improve Southwest for next year? What would you do differently?
I don’t really spend enough time here to give good advice, since I’m at CAPS half the day. I suppose we could work on actually having school once in a while during the winter. It’d sure help AP students.