There are many different types of movies, ranging from children’s movies all the way to horror movies. This means there are movies for everyone to enjoy, although for me, I don’t tend to enjoy them.
One of my main problems with movies is how long they are. I feel like I would be able to enjoy watching movies more if they simply weren’t as long. I understand that the point of movies is to be able to find time, usually two to three hours, to sit down and enjoy them, but I find that no fun.
Rather than watching movies, most people would expect me to watch TV shows instead. While I don’t watch TV shows that often either, I don’t dislike them. I mean, a TV show or a movie here and there isn’t that bad, it is just I would much rather scroll on social media or spend time outside with friends and family.
The only downfall of not enjoying watching movies is not getting the references that others might get. Like I had never seen “Titanic” until this past summer, when my friends forced me to watch it, and I didn’t get the relationship between Jack and Rose.
To go with that, I understand there are some classic movies you have to watch, like “Cinderella,” and I don’t mind sitting down to watch them once. The thing with that is I can only watch a good, classic movie once or it just ruins it. Anyone who watches a movie multiple times and continues to enjoy it just as much as they did the first time shocks me.
Movies might have never really caught my attention, but I understand others might find them enjoyable. I would rather spend my time doing other things rather than watching movies.