Respect. One word, numerous ways to display it. With so many options on how to show respect to our elders, it confounds me that no one seems to actually do it. They have learned many things and have so much to teach us — the least we can do is appreciate them.
It’s important to be respectful no matter what someone’s age is, but for some reason, our generation seems to think that the elderly are excluded from this rule. Why this is, I don’t know. What I do know is that it’s a problem that needs to be fixed.
The term “Generation Me” describes anyone born in the 1970s, ‘80s or ‘90s. The “iGen,” or “iGeneration,” refers to those born between 1981 and 1999. I’m not great at math and I’m not very observant, but I can see a pattern here. Every student at Southwest fits into both the iGen and . The “i” part of “iGen” emphasizes the extreme importance of individuality that society has created as well as how far we come technologically. However, that emphasis on being independent has snowballed into a generation of teens that constantly put themselves first.
What we need to do now is show that we are a generation that is capable of focusing more on others than ourselves. Some of the most strong believers of the theory that we are self-absorbed are the elderly. They think we sit in our rooms, secluded from the world, and just watch TV, play video games and listen to our music with the bass turned up way too loud. We also aren’t as courteous to them as generations before us have been. It is our generation with the reputation for being disrespectful so we are the only ones who can change and prove that we really do appreciate our elders.
The first thing that needs reform is our attitudes. “Elderly” means older, not senile and boring. Having this immediate thought about anyone with grey hair makes it impossible to show respect. The desire to prove we value our elders needs to be genuine. Don’t just treat them as objects of pity, but as wise human beings that they are.
That doesn’t mean that you need to go volunteer at an assisted living center for eight hours a week (although I’m sure they’d love that). Simple things go a long way. It’s easy to think of the elderly as older, crusty and boring, but with so many years behind them they inevitably have some great stories. One of the easiest ways to show respect to an elder is just listening to them.
Ask them about their past, lessons they’ve learned or their opinion on topics old and new. Give them a chance to tell you of their glory days and reminisce on the times they were in high school. Nothing makes them light up more than feeling their life stories are appreciated.
Maybe one of the best ways to interact with our elders in a sort of exchange. They are full of stories and knowledge for us, but they would love to learn something in return.
Our generation is lucky to be surrounded by a technology-obsessed world, but many who did not grow up with surrounded with electronics have no clue what to do with it. Offer to help teach them how to navigate the internet or work their TiVo they didn’t even know they had. Just because they’re older doesn’t mean they don’t want anything to do with technology; they just don’t know how to use it yet.
It’s been said that it’s easier to draw a map if you’ve already taken that path. It’s hard for us to map out our own lives if we don’t know what’s coming. Our elders have been there, done that. Listen to them, respect them and learn from their mistakes.
It’s important to be respectful no matter what someone’s age is, but for some reason, our generation seems to think that the elderly are excluded from this rule. Why this is, I don’t know. What I do know is that it’s a problem that needs to be fixed.
The term “Generation Me” describes anyone born in the 1970s, ‘80s or ‘90s. The “iGen,” or “iGeneration,” refers to those born between 1981 and 1999. I’m not great at math and I’m not very observant, but I can see a pattern here. Every student at Southwest fits into both the iGen and . The “i” part of “iGen” emphasizes the extreme importance of individuality that society has created as well as how far we come technologically. However, that emphasis on being independent has snowballed into a generation of teens that constantly put themselves first.
What we need to do now is show that we are a generation that is capable of focusing more on others than ourselves. Some of the most strong believers of the theory that we are self-absorbed are the elderly. They think we sit in our rooms, secluded from the world, and just watch TV, play video games and listen to our music with the bass turned up way too loud. We also aren’t as courteous to them as generations before us have been. It is our generation with the reputation for being disrespectful so we are the only ones who can change and prove that we really do appreciate our elders.
The first thing that needs reform is our attitudes. “Elderly” means older, not senile and boring. Having this immediate thought about anyone with grey hair makes it impossible to show respect. The desire to prove we value our elders needs to be genuine. Don’t just treat them as objects of pity, but as wise human beings that they are.
That doesn’t mean that you need to go volunteer at an assisted living center for eight hours a week (although I’m sure they’d love that). Simple things go a long way. It’s easy to think of the elderly as older, crusty and boring, but with so many years behind them they inevitably have some great stories. One of the easiest ways to show respect to an elder is just listening to them.
Ask them about their past, lessons they’ve learned or their opinion on topics old and new. Give them a chance to tell you of their glory days and reminisce on the times they were in high school. Nothing makes them light up more than feeling their life stories are appreciated.
Maybe one of the best ways to interact with our elders in a sort of exchange. They are full of stories and knowledge for us, but they would love to learn something in return.
Our generation is lucky to be surrounded by a technology-obsessed world, but many who did not grow up with surrounded with electronics have no clue what to do with it. Offer to help teach them how to navigate the internet or work their TiVo they didn’t even know they had. Just because they’re older doesn’t mean they don’t want anything to do with technology; they just don’t know how to use it yet.
It’s been said that it’s easier to draw a map if you’ve already taken that path. It’s hard for us to map out our own lives if we don’t know what’s coming. Our elders have been there, done that. Listen to them, respect them and learn from their mistakes.