This year’s mainstage musical is “The Wedding Singer.” Senior Megan Rees has been participating in theatre since sixth grade. In the musical, she is a dance captain and member of the ensemble.
“It’s my responsibility to know the choreography super well so that if people have questions, they can always come up to me and ask for help,” Rees said. “I am also able to help with formations and make changes in choreography.”
Junior Kellen Serrano plays Sammy, the comedic sidekick who plays the bass. Sammy is best friends with Robbie, played by senior Cameron Hargrove.
“[Their friendship is] a huge part of it. Cameron and I have been friends for a while so that all came very easily,” Serrano said. “It came naturally to connect with the people next to me.”
“The Wedding Singer” is based off of a movie set in the ‘80s. Serrano said learning to act and perform like they were in a different decade was a challenge the cast had to push through.
“It’s been a lot of big steps for all of us to act like we’re in the ‘80s,” Serrano said. “I’m just proud of everyone because I feel like everyone has improved throughout the show.”
Rehearsals were held Monday-Thursday from 3-5:30 p.m. Rees said the cast and crew put a lot of hard work into the show, both in the songs and in the set.
“My favorite memory from rehearsal is when our set got put up,” Rees said. “That was the first time the show truly came together. The set makes it come to life.”
With spending so many hours together each week, the cast grew very close. “I feel like we’re all kind of in it together and we’re always rooting for each other,” Serrano said. “We are very bonded together.”
Performances will continue tonight and Saturday, with a matinee at 2 p.m. on Saturday.
“This show is very ‘80s. It’s very silly, there’s a lot of funny moments and it really doesn’t take itself too seriously,” Rees said. “I really like it and it’s such a fun show to watch and perform.”