BVSW announces plan for first four weeks of school

Graphic by Sahar Baha

Blue Valley creates an alternate schedule for a precautionary beginning to the school year.

Blue Valley Southwest administration released a plan outlining the details of distance learning on Aug. 28. The district had previously announced that students would learn in a distance format, utilizing technology like Canvas and Zoom, until Oct. 2; the remainder of the semester will be re-evaluated after that date.

The new school day schedule is organized by blocks, alternating between even hour classes one day and odd hour classes the next. Students will be required to log on to computers at 7:45 and complete a variety of synchronous and asynchronous activities until 2:50 on odd days, while logging on from 8:30 until 2:50 on even days.

Advisory will now be called TIPS (Timberwolf Independent Plan of Study), and will take place from 12:25 to 1:10 on even days to provide students with a specific time for a variety of tasks, including life skills, academic support, WolfByte viewing and counseling activities.

Teachers will have the option to give direct instruction (synchronous) or assign independent activities (asynchronous). Students should expect frequent feedback from all teachers, just as they would receive during in-person learning.

Attendance will be taken for every student at the beginning of all Zoom meetings in every class. A parent/guardian must call the school office to excuse any absences. More information on absences will be available before Sept. 9.

In addition to the new schedule, new rules have also been implemented to ensure distance classes remain a professional learning environment for all students. Video must be on during class, and all students should be muted upon entering the digital classroom.

Administration is encouraging participation in clubs. However, all clubs will be meeting virtually until further notice. More information regarding clubs, athletics and gating criteria will be sent in an email to parents when it is available.

Freshmen are scheduled to pick up their MacBooks on Wednesday, Sept. 2 in the auxiliary gym. Pick-up times are organized by last name. Following pick up, freshmen will have access to their orientation information on Sept. 8. Students will complete their orientation asynchronously via Canvas.

Additional information can be found in the school’s student and parent guide to the first four weeks.