Pack Pride

UP, UP, ON YOUR FEET—the gym buzzes with excitement as every senior yells at the top of their lungs—T-WOLVES LET ME HEAR YOU SCREAM—class chants have begun— SOUTH, SOUTHWEST, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTHWEST.

This year, Wolf Pack Crew has decided to make changes to the spirit point system with the intent to increase event attendance, school spirit and trust in the fairness of the system. Junior Nate Adamson, one of the student leaders in Wolf Pack Crew, emphasized his goal of giving every grade a chance to earn spirit points.

“A lot of people thought it was rigged, which I understand it’s hard to keep track of,” Adamson said. “But we just wanted to give the underclassmen a chance to win and have the opportunity to win and have pride in something.”

Hoping to gain more trust from the student body, Adamson said spirit points will be counted at events of the week.

“We have buckets now,” Adamson said. “Instead of going around and taking pictures of your grade, we’re going to have you put your ticket that you buy when you come into the event into a color- coordinated bucket of your grade so it’s going to be easier and more accurate for us to count.”

Wolf Pack Crew is also offering a picture contest for each event of the week on Instagram.

“You send in a picture to the WPC Instagram, and you tag them on your Instagram story,” Adamson said. “It will o er you a point system, if you send in more pictures, you will be given more points.”

Adamson said he believes if underclassmen are given more chances to receive spirit points, they will be more motivated to dress up and a end school events. Wolf Pack Crew sponsor Margaret Davidson also said she hopes with more spirit point opportunities for each grade, it will lead to increased participation.

“I hope that it motivates them to come out knowing that every quarter they have a new chance, if a group gets behind, they still have a chance next quarter,” Davidson said. “It just gets them to be prideful in Southwest and want to be at events.”

In an a empt to reach more students and get them involved with spirit points, Wolf Pack Crew has increased their social media presence. Senior Grace Kim, another student leader in the club, said they are using di erent platforms for different reasons.

“Every social media account is used for different things,” Kim said, “Twitter we focus on sports, Instagram we focus on pep rallies and spirit days, and Snapchat is also meant for spirit days and cool things that go on around school.”

In addition to focusing on spirit points, WPC has begun switching from sporadic assemblies to a more consistent amount of pep rallies. With an all new layout to the pep rallies, Davidson said WPC plans to improve them for the future.

“We’re going to improve them by trying to make them no better for everyone, getting more people involved, ge ing coaches and players more involved and ge ing their ideas for how they want to be represented,” Davidson said.

Like Davidson, Kim said she hopes to gain more school traditions by ge ing more students involved and by proving the fairness of the spirit point system.

“Hopefully [the new system] will start to build tradition and we can continue to make this grow and get more people involved as they start to see the spirit points become more fair and e ective for all the grades and it will encourage everyone to get more involved,” Kim said. With the potential for increased enthusiasm and attendance at school events, Kim said she is excited for a new atmosphere. Adamson said he hopes all the spirit point modi cations positively impact the student body and encourages more student participation.

“I hope students will want to get involved,” Adamson said. “I know that in the previous years, spirit points have lacked in priorities for students. I know people go to events, I know they want their class to win, if we can get them involved in the spirit point system it could bring our school together and give it a stronger student base.”

Organizing the Green and White T-shirts, senior Kori Stonestreet prepares for the third assembly of the year. WPC members planned and put on the assembly on Aug. 24.
Checking the final details for the assembly, seniors Sydney Lierz, Kori Stonestreet, Madeline Reeves and Wolf Pack sponsor Margaret Davidson discuss the schedule. “A problem [with assemblies] is making sure everything is laid out to a T and very detailed and scripted,” Davidson said.
Plugging in his phone, junior John Harrick plays music for the assembly. Harrick and senior Lexi Stethem are responsible for technical aspect of every assembly.