Tis the season. The holiday season is now in full swing and one of the first opportunities to celebrate was the Luminary Walk at the Overland Park Arboretum and Botanical Gardens, 8909 W. 179th St. It ran for two weekends, Nov. 25-26 and Dec. 2-3 from 5-8:30 p.m. Attendees took a walk on candlelit trails through the woods, gardens and around ponds.
The Blue Valley Southwest National Honor Society (NHS) and Spanish National Honor Society (SNHS) members had the opportunity to volunteer at this event. Volunteers at the Luminary Walk helped prepare by lighting candles and working with set-up. Volunteers also cleaned luminaries and picked up used candles around the grounds.
“We are always so pleased to see as many high schoolers as we do [help out],” Margaret Kalal, Friends of the Arboretum volunteer said. “We count on our high school volunteers.”
Volunteers also escorted the musicians to their stations and help them set up. Musicians who performed at the Luminary Walk included the Spring Hill Madrigal Singers; Noel Scott, Piano/Sax duo; TerryLee Whetstone, Native Flute and the Dickens Carolers.
“Everyone I worked with was very friendly and they had tables of food set up just for the volunteers,” senior Ali Schroeder said. “We were very lucky this year that it wasn’t too cold outside.”
The lights and musicians created a festive holiday atmosphere, and Santa made an appearance to complete the picture.
“Just seeing the whole arboretum decorated for the holidays was very fun,” Schroeder said.
The walk lets people experience nature from a different perspective, it shows the thrill of the woods at night and the beauty surrounding them. It offers an alternative to the hustle and bustle of prepping for the holiday season.
For many people, the Luminary Walk during Thanksgiving break is a time honored family tradition.
“It’s a lot of just sheer joy and anticipation for the holiday season,” senior Aswathi Pradeep said. “There’s a lot of little kids wanting to speak with Santa, and there are the elderly, who not only walk around, but volunteer as well. They are really fun and happy.”