Around February of last year, senior Max Hudson and his friend Taylor Norris were on the road at night, when suddenly both of their lives were put on the line.
“I’m driving down the road, it’s an eerie night, the air is brisk, and I’m driving down highway 470 east,” Hudson said. “A bad song comes on. I check my iPod to change the song, when all of the sudden the light ahead of me on the highway turns red. Me with my 2004 Chevy Impala, slams on the brake – which does not work- spinning me off in a multitude of directions towards the large line of cars stacked up at the stoplight.”
Hudson’s car spun into the left turn lane, barely missing the other cars.
“My life flashed before my eyes, and at one moment in the turmoil of the tornado spin, I looked at my friend in the passenger seat,” Hudson said. “Our eyes met and we both indirectly said ‘I love you and I hope you make it through.’ Luckily, God was on my side that night.”
Scary stories: swerving out of control