Listening to the Voices Behind Millie
Cast members tell us about their experiences in the musical.

This month, crew and cast members worked together to put on this year’s musical called “Thoroughly Modern Millie.”
As opening night inched its way closer, vocal director Susan Scheibler and lead director Dan Schmidt scrambled to fix last minute costume mishaps and set changes while musical members strive to improve their performances time after time.
“There is always room for improvement,” cast member Joann Armstrong says. “That is one thing I have learned from being involved in multiple musicals over the years.”
Many people outside the performing arts department wouldn’t think that being involved in a musical takes hard work until they are behind the scenes witnessing it first-hand.
“Some people don’t understand how much time it takes up. Our rehearsals go till 6 or 6:30 every day, not including Saturday work calls,” Joann says. “It is very tiring.”
Multiple cast members are also taking AP and honors classes.
“Even though it is a big commitment, I still think it is totally worth it,” Armstrong says. “I take almost all honors classes and fitting in Rep (Repertory Theater), Chamber and Chorale into my schedule can make finishing homework difficult at times. I just try to do my homework when I’m not on stage in rehearsal which usually works.”
Besides the time commitment, cast members describe musical as “easy-going” and “an experience worthwhile,” seniors Lauren Mylin and Jake Louis said.
“I am so fortunate to have been given this amazing experience to not only work with, but help choreograph the dances for so many young, talented girls in the cast,” choreographer Lauren Mylin says. “I wouldn’t trade the memories I have made during this musical experience for anything.”
The cast members of Millie became extremely close during the musical season.
“The people are just so nice,” freshman Libbie Louis who plays a Priscilla Girl says. “Even though I’m a freshman, I always feel accepted. No one thinks they are better than others which is another reason I think our performing arts department differs from other schools.”

The sense of family and acceptance is the overall feeling when speaking with the Millie cast. As dancer/ Priscilla Girl Hannah Tymosko said, “The best part of the musical is always building new friendships that will last a lifetime. I’m so fortunate to be a part of this awesome department and to be able to call the cast of Millie my family.”
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