It’s the epitome of boredom, it’s the PowerPoint in a class. Nothing like dimmed lights and a cold classroom during presentations to put students to sleep. Traditional software desperately needs an update and Prezi is the new way to go. In this fast-paced world, linear slide shows only hinder our rapid movements. Prezi delivers captivating presentations with interactive features.
Prezi is available online through all portals of technology. It’s cloud- based feature allows users to edit, save and connect with their Prezis wherever necessary. The use of Prezi is now becoming wide-spread – business-related and educational functions often take advantage of Prezi’s unique features to sell ideas and pass on further information.
Prezi has a “presentation mode” that enables individuals to pitch their ideas in a flowing manner to not only neighbors, but to those half-way across the globe. It can be “shared” and “edited” together, allowing even the process of designing a Prezi to be internationally collaborative.
Prezi’s layout is a large, changeable canvas that makes it effortless for users to manage. The canvas also zooms into each section of the presentation in swift, flipping motions. Unlike a PowerPoint, the audience sees the entire canvas – all parts of the prezi – from the very beginning to the end of the presentation. Specific parts of the canvas can be focused. in on.
Prezi also allows for the embedding of both files saved to a computer and videos from online sources. Pictures, as well as sounds, can be placed in a Prezi in easier and more visually appealing ways than an other presentation software.
Don’t be intimidated by this emerging trend; new technology can sometimes be challenging, but Prezi’s straightforward application makes the program usable for all ages. Next time you’re assigned to give another presentation, keep in mind to try Prezi as a new resource: it will help deliver an intriguing presentation that keeps the audience successfully engaged.